Learn More About Active Life Chiropractic Clinic in Austin, Texas
Active Life is an Austin, TX Chiropractor with seasoned professionals who have advanced training in a range of specialties.
When you visit our office, we will deliver a full range of treatment options appropriate for your condition.
At Active Life, the doctors and professional staff believe that the body speaks through symptoms. In other words, each symptom is a sign pointing to an underlying, perhaps hidden, health issue. Due to years of training and experience, our professionals know how to identify and interpret the signals your body is sending. This approach allows us to deliver superior health care without unwelcome side effects.
Active Life Chiropractic Clinic Is Delivering A Pain-Free Solution
- We do more than treat symptoms; we locate the core cause and source of your pain so we can address, treat and eradicate the root of your problems.
- Our focus is helping you regain proper functioning.
- We use what we learn from your body to relieve pain. We have been very successful at providing relief to patients who have pain due to muscle, soft tissue, bone (including structure and alignment), and nervous system damage.
- Because we want to restore your well-being without invasive surgery or costly medications that can damage your internal organs, we prioritize natural pain solutions.
- The ultimate sign of our success is when you graduate from our care and no longer require further treatment.
If you are suffering from chronic pain or dysfunction, Active Life is here to help.
Accidents, illnesses, long-term stress and more can cause injury to the muscles, soft tissues, bones (including structure and alignment) and even the nervous system. Our chiropractic staff has years of training, experience and success in bringing lasting and real relief to our patients. By locating the cause (not just medicating the symptoms) we often bring tremendous relief to our patients. We have a very high success rate with back and spine related issues.
You don’t have to live with back and neck pain, headaches, or disability forever. Call us today to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors.

Motor Vehicle Injuries
Don't wait to seek help for motor vehicle injuries! A top source of chronic pain is untreated injuries from car accidents.

Chronic Pain Relief
We understand what it's like to live with chronic pain. At Active Life, we'll help you find relief.

Chiropractic Care
The skilled and experienced Dr. Schade can take your pain away with a variety of non-invasive treatments.

Candida + Yeast Overgrowth
Treat your embarrassing and inconvenient candida and yeast overgrowth for good!

Food + Gluten Sensitivity
Discover the foods that help you thrive through definitive food sensitivity and allergy testing.