Dr. Cynthia Schade :Chiropractic Therapy Has Come A Long Way!
Dr. Cynthia Schade graduated from the "fountainhead" school of Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1985. What’s so special about Palmer college? In 1895 Daniel David Palmer developed the theory that misalignment of the bones in the body was the basic underlying cause of all "dis-ease" and the majority of these mis-alignments were in the spinal column. In 1897 he opened the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport and started teaching his techniques. And this is how chiropractic began.
And wow, has chiropractic come a long way in the last 125+ years! It seems that chiropractic practitioners have been aware of the body’s natural ability to heal itself if nerve interference was alleviated... and this was long before the "opioid crisis" and other drug side effects were headline news! And that’s what our techniques and therapies do; they help restore that natural ability to heal by removing nerve interference and allowing the body’s natural healing ability to assert itself.
As chiropractors and chiropractic itself has matured, the practice of chiropractic has embraced other natural methods of healing - as well as its own techniques - to become a more fully integrated and holistic healing practice. And the wonderful thing about all of these healing methods is that they are done without drugs and surgery!
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Get To Know Dr. Cynthia Schade - Owner of Active Life
Dr. Schade started her chiropractic career in Florida and many of her first patients were over 60 years old (her oldest was 97!!). Most had complicating factors such as osteoporosis and arthritis. And while she loved her patients, she felt the call to bring her healing services to a new area.
Dr. Schade moved to Austin in 1991 and started her Austin practice on West 6th Street. She was there for 18 years. In 2008 she moved to South Lamar Blvd.. With the continuing redevelopment of Austin, she moved further south on South Lamar and moved once again to the Brodie Oaks Shopping Center on the Corner of South Lamar and Ben White Blvd. And she loves her current location and hopes to stay till she retires.
Being a lifelong learner, Dr. Schade has studied many different techniques and healing modalities that she integrates into her practice. This allows her to tailor her treatments towards each patient with what she feels will work the best in their particular situation.
Some of the techniques that Dr. Schade personally offers can include what people typically think of as a chiropractic adjustment, (ie "the bones move and may make a popping noise"), but she also does MANY techniques that do NOT involve "bone-popping" because it is not ALWAYS the best treatment for all patients and all conditions.
Some of those techniques are:
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
- GRASTON - this is myofascial release with the use of tools that alleviate fascia and connective tissue adhesions that can restrict joints and soft tissue. This technique can have profound curative effects on conditions as diverse as plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder restrictions, scar tissue release (which can cause reflexive pain and restriction to internal organs and disturb function), sports and auto accident injuries, and more.
- Cranial adjustments that, along with spinal alignments, can help with ongoing headaches.
- Functional Wellness - The use of diet/ supplements and exercise to help bring the body back into balance.
- Active Life now offers cutting-edge Biomagnetism treatments - Disease and injury often persists because the body is not in a correct state of balance to fight parasites and viruses. Biomagnetism gently restores balance to the body, with fantastic results!
- Emotion Code and Body Code - This technique is not considered part of everyday/traditional chiropractic care, but can be requested by patients and offered at Dr. Schades' discretion. (Please note this does not take the place of psychological counselling or psychiatric care). Sometimes patients have a shock, whether emotional or physical, to their body and they have retained a "muscle memory" or an emotional reaction to non-associated events. Emotion/Body Code can help release those attached (or trapped) emotions, thus giving the patient relief where none could be found before. We’ve had success in areas such as helping patients get rid of the subconscious triggers to overeating, relieving tooth and back pain that has not responded to any other treatment, clearing lower back pain (which was related to a physical attack that traumatized the 65 yr old patient when she was just 16), and tinnitus. Emotion and Body Code therapy is just another tool in Dr. Schades' toolkit that she can pull out when needed or requested.
What Can Active Life Offer You?
As a complete “Holistic-Natural Healing Clinic”, Active Life takes a powerful three-pronged approach that few others do. This means that when you come in, the doctors and staff assess and address any and all issues that are causing your pain - musculoskeletal, chemical/nutrition, and emotional - and provide non-invasive treatments customized just for your own unique situation.
And unlike those “Stop and Pop” express chiropractic places that just rush you in, pop your back, and send you on your merry way without any x-rays, medical history, or really even knowing (or caring) what’s wrong with you, the team at Active Life leave no stone unturned. They uncover exactly what the source of your pain is through x-rays and various safe, reliable, and proven examination methods.
Active Life does NOT take the place of your primary care physician, but we can be your one stop shop for most musculoskeletal complaints, as well as work in tandem with your current treatments to help you reach your optimal health goals.
If you're pain, please drop us a line so we can schedule your free telehealth consult today and get you back to feeling your best again!