Premier Candida Treatment in Austin, Texas
Candida…it’s a funny word but not a funny problem for millions of affected people. And here’s the scary part…many people have no idea they have this condition; all they know is they have vague, seemingly unrelated symptoms that are dominating - even ruining - their life.
According to Rice University research, approximately 70% of all humans are affected by candida, a yeast-like fungus that normally lives harmoniously within your body. When the delicate ecosystem in the intestinal tract becomes unbalanced, however, the candida overpowers other beneficial bacteria and multiplies excessively, smothering out microorganisms necessary for good health. The body reacts to that overpopulation by displaying a myriad of symptoms.
The Symptoms of Candida

Candida is often an invisible illness. Those who have it often look healthy and well on the outside; it’s inside where a serious toxicity is manifesting. The symptoms of candida often mimic those of other conditions so it is frequently difficult to diagnose. Some common candida symptoms include:
- Yeast infections
- Headaches
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Fatigue/chronic fatigue
- Joint and muscle aches
- Indigestion, intestinal gas, belching, bloating, and/or abdominal pain
- Mood swings
- Itchy skin
- Foggy thinking, trouble concentrating
- Insomnia
- Loss of sexual desire
- Bad breath
- Food cravings
- Oral “thrush” (white, bumpy patches on tongue, inner cheeks, gums, tonsils or throat)
- Skin and nail fungal infections
- Recurring genital or urinary tract infections
- Sinus infections
That is not a complete list of candida symptoms but it is enough to see why it is hard to pinpoint a diagnosis with such a diverse set of symptoms.
Candida has been linked with numerous health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, autism, diabetes, chronic fatigue/Epstein Barr, migraine headaches, and several others.
How do you get Candida?
Why do so many people have candida overgrowth? Candidiasis, or the overabundance of candida fungi, can be caused by a number of factors, including:
- Medications, especially antibiotics which kill off most bacteria, even necessary beneficial microbes, steroids, and birth control pills which alter hormone levels
- Poor diet that includes an abundance of sugars and processed foods
- Stress and depression – it weakens your immune system and depletes your body of minerals
- Weakened immune system due to other illness such as cancer, HIV, or others
- Diabetes
- High alcohol intake
Often it is a combination of issues that escalate the growth of candida.

How Active Life can help you Kick Candida Yeast with Proven Treatments

We know candida is real and can negatively impact your life. It saps your energy, makes you feel ill and exhausted, and causes an array of discomforts. It can infiltrate your bloodstream and have negative effects on your entire body. Systemic candida can become a serious health threat.
Traditional physicians often treat the symptoms of candida rather than the candidiasis itself and that usually only offers temporary relief. Here at ALMC our goal is to help you eliminate candida and learn how to avoid suffering repeated episodes of the illness.
It takes knowledge and understanding of candida to combat the pervasive disorder. At Active Life, you’ll find the help and guidance you need to overcome candida and regain your normal active lifestyle. We offer accurate diagnosis of the fungal infection, education about nutritional means of controlling candida, and natural supplementation protocols that eliminate candida from your system.
You don’t have to sacrifice your active life to candida. With the right guidance, proper nutrition, and some beneficial lifestyle changes, you can soon be on the road to recovery.
Don’t wait. Call Active Life Chiropractic Clinic at (512) 474-5433 now and kick candida out of your life!
It’s going to feel so good to feel good again.