Back Pain Causes & Safe Injury Treatments in Austin
Does any of this sound familiar?
- a dull aching sensation or throbbing in the lower back
- numbness, tingling or weakness in one or both legs
- intense constant pain that gets worse at night or when sitting
- a stabbing or shooting pain that can radiate down the leg to the foot
- an inability to stand up straight without pain
- a decreased range of motion, stiffness and diminished ability to flex the back
If so, you're not alone and you do have options.
Nearly 31 million Americans are fighting with back pain right this minute. In fact, it's the number one disability for those under the age of 45; and when it comes to seeing a doctor, back pain is the second most common complaint!
And we all know pain pills aren't the long term answer – with their toxic side effects, addictive quality and the fact that they can only mask the pain temporarily. Long Term pain med usage could cause more real damage to your body than your back pain ever could.
What you need is to find the core problem - the source of the pain and misery you're feeling in your back - and gently correct it so you can get back to doing what you love as quickly as possible.

Back pain can be triggered by any number of things:
- Muscle strains
- A sudden, unexpected trauma to your body
- A pelvis imbalance
- Misaligned vertebrae
- Uneven leg length
- A compromised (bulging, slipped, herniated or ruptured) disc
And while the back pain can be limited to your upper back or lower back, it can also move from your low back to your buttocks or down your leg, causing even more issues with your health and your range of movement. When your piriformis muscle puts pressure on your sciatic nerve, it can result in an extremely unpleasant tingling and numbness sensation in your hips and buttocks.
It’s a feeling that haunts you throughout your entire day and even into your bedtime.
Why Is My Back Hurting Like This???
The causes of back pain are many and may include injury from a sport or car accident, strained muscle, sitting incorrectly for long periods of time, or improper lifting/moving of heavy items around the house or your workplace. Sciatica, arthritis, osteoporosis or herniated disks are additional causes resulting from structural imbalances within the body.
Acute back pain typically lasts from 1 to 3 days, while chronic back pain lasts for 3 months or longer. Severe back pain, resulting in tingling, fever, or sudden weight loss may even signal a bigger underlying medical issue. As you can see, even mild to moderate back pain is nothing to put off or ignore!

The 8 Most Dangerous Words To Tell Yourself When You're In Back Pain...
Please, please...don’t do this!
I’ve been treating back injuries for 30+ years. And yes, while “pushing through” might seem like a good idea at the moment - it’s not! It’s an awful idea that very often leads to needing surgery and, at times, a lifetime of chronic pain and debilitation.
According to a 1998 study in the British Medical Journal, most back pain sufferers who don't take action to treat and correct their pain will end up having that same pain again (often worse) within 12 months!
And that's definitely not what you want.
You want to be free from pain, with a full range of motion and movement and back to feeling vital and healthy again.
Back pain relief is just one component of chiropractic care, but it is often a patient’s first introduction. Back pain is horribly debilitating, affecting all aspects of work and personal life. Here at Active Life Medical Center, we zero in on the source of pain, identify the cause, work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to bring back pain relief, and educate you on how to prevent future occurrences.
Back Pain Treatment
“How Do I Know Chiropractic Treatment Will Work For My Back?”
We hear this question a lot, and the truth is, chiropractic can help most people suffering from a variety of pain, illnesses, and issues – though there are some that may require surgery or are beyond the scope of what chiropractic can do. If you are one of those few that we can't help, we'll definitely tell you and we'll help you find someone who can help you – it's just part of what we do.
A-List Celebrities & Leading Athletes Swear By Chiropractic for Back Pain Relief
That being said, chiropractic is still a powerful tool for healing and it has been around for over a hundred years. It works for all ages – babies to seniors – and many celebrities such as Tiger Woods, Madonna, Emmitt Smith, Tony Robbins, Joe Montana, Lance Armstrong and even Arnold Schwarzenegger swear by it!
It's truly that powerful and popular.
In fact, a recent scientific study showed that chiropractic adjustments outperformed massage treatments in reducing pain, while yet another study found that “after a median intervention period of 30 days, spinal manipulation was the only intervention that achieved statistically significant improvements.” - J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999
Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery said that chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was “more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, injection of steroids into the spine and back corsets, and ultrasound.”

Discover Non-Surgical Solutions to Back Pain Management!
Have you been told you might need surgery or are afraid your pain can’t be helped any other way?
You may not actually need surgery, as we have many new therapies and techniques in our arsenal to help you defeat acute or chronic back pain.
We make it our number one goal to restore your health without invasive surgeries or expensive medications. Too often, people who suffer from chronic and/or acute back pain are pushed down these paths, which can lead to unwanted side effects and to other health problems further down the line.
Surgery is expensive and requires time away from work and your life.
Prescription medications can often lead to addiction, and research has shown that they can cause damage to your internal organs. It doesn’t make sense to us to cause more damage to our bodies while trying to heal them.
Our medical staff has years of training, experience, passion, and success in bringing long-lasting relief to our patients. From the moment you step into our office, we treat you as an individual, and you will receive a customized care plan that aims at resolving your pain, not just masking symptoms.

Our Natural Back Pain Treatments Offer a Holistic Approach to Chronic Back Pain
Your back pain management plan will involve a synergy of services. We offer alternatives to over-the-counter painkillers and addictive prescription medications. By using manual therapy, natural injections, and rehabilitative exercises, we will not only help you get out of pain, but also empower you on how to take care of yourself and heal your injury without using expensive and invasive surgeries.

Your customized care plan may incorporate any of the following services:
- Spinal Postural Screening identifies and corrects biomechanical alignment issues.
- Spinal Decompression provides healing and relief for spinal disc issues.
- Trigger Point Injections provide immediate relief and relaxation of trigger points in the muscles in the back, shoulders, and neck.
- Chiropractic Care corrects alignment and mechanical problems.
- Manual Therapy offers hands-on manipulation for muscles and tissues.
- Rehabilitative Services improve strength and increase functioning and range of motion.

Why Medical Center for an Active Life is Austin's Premier Chiropractic Clinic...
As a complete “Holistic-Natural Healing and Physical Medicine Clinic”, we take a powerful three-pronged approach that few others do. This means that when you come in, we assess and address any and all issues that are causing your pain:
- Musculoskeletal
- Chemical/nutrition
- Emotional - and provide non-invasive treatments customized just for your own unique situation.
We have a life-long passion for healing and correcting imbalances in the body and mind. For over 30 years we’ve specialized in helping people just like you:
- find fast, lasting freedom from your pain
- avoid dangerous unnecessary surgeries or prolonged drug use
- fight the dreaded aging process to stay vital
- recoup from unexpected injuries such as car accidents and sports pain.
All through gentle, effective chiropractic care and integrated healing methods. Healing methods that treat your body with respect and honor your highest-quality of life.