Chiropractic Graston Therapy in Austin, Texas
Attention:Office workers, athletes, musicians, workout and yoga enthusiasts, active people of Austin, and all those who use repetitive daily movements! If you’re feeling any kind of pain, stiffness, soreness, or lack of flexibility, then it’s highly likely you’ve formed scar tissue and have entrapped nerves due to the overuse of your muscles.
The Bad News will only get worse without treatment.
Now here’s the GOOD NEWS - there’s a powerful Chiropractic technique in Austin that can help reduce and even eliminate this type of pain.
You know what it feels like to suffer an excruciating injury or a flare-up of an old wound that knocks you off your game and threatens to put your life on hold for weeks, even months. It’s not serious enough to require surgery, but massage and painkillers just aren’t getting to the source of the problem.
You still need a way to get back on track and back to doing what you love, in the shortest time possible. The problem is that the pain is usually more than just a sore’s often caused by a buildup of scar tissue that ends up greatly reducing your range of motion and slows your body’s natural healing process.

Graston Therapy
Used By Elite Athletes Worldwide With Wonderful Results
At Active Life we have a powerful and non-invasive way to relieve the pain, help you recover quickly, get you back on your feet faster, and in most cases, even avoid inconvenient, expensive and painful surgery!
This healing method is called the Graston Technique®!
Graston Therapy uses special tools to break down excess scar tissue and muscle adhesions. It’s based on a number of different soft tissue and massage techniques and is being used by more than 9,000 clinicians worldwide, including trainers and doctors for NHL, NFL, NBA and major league baseball teams across the country.

How Does Graston Therapy Work?
After any trauma, whether it be from an athletic injury, a car accident, a slip on the ice, or any other "oops" moment, the soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc) are injured. This explains why a bruise will commonly show up the following day. But often even after the bruise has disappeared, the underlying soft tissues are still healing.
Many times, this healing process causes underlying scar tissue or "adhesions" that aren’t visible to the naked eye. Over time these adhesions can build up and change the way the affected tissues act, which ultimately results in decreased motion and increased pain.
Graston For Scar Tissue
Scarring is a natural part of healing after an injury or surgery, but the problem with scar tissue is it’s very different from normal tissue. It’s not as elastic and tends to draw together. This decreases the amount of motion available in it.
It also damages the fascia, the system of tiny white microtubules filled with fluid that covers every cell inside the body. It actually makes up about 80% of what is normally called muscle. It’s a strong, fibrous tissue that is capable of exerting up to 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch when it tightens or binds up. No wonder it causes so much pain when it’s damaged!
Because fascia has normally been treated just like regular, muscle traditional treatments such as stretching, exercise, and drugs have been ineffective. The Graston Technique®, however, takes a new direction in treating this tissue. Aided by the use of specially designed patented stainless steel tools, this method treats the fascia itself rather than just the joints and muscles.
Graston Therapy for Lasting Pain Relief
Here’s A Real-Life Example...From Our Very Own Doctor
Dr. Cynthia Schade of Active Life had her own battle with pain to deal with when she was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Her neurologist told her there was nothing she could do until it worsened enough for surgery, so she spent the next 18 months in horrible pain - until she found the Graston Technique®.
After a series of healing therapeutic sessions, the pain finally went away - completely and fully away - and now she has full function and range of motion, without a single drop of pain!
That’s why she believes so strongly in the power of the Graston Technique® and how it can help YOU.
When scar tissue builds up, it can block the pathways soft tissues use to regenerate and heal. Scar tissue and other adhesions also limit blood flow to the injured area and slow the healing process. Separating scar tissue that blocks these pathways is what brings faster healing and reduces recovery time for many injuries.

When scar tissue builds up, it can block the pathways soft tissues use to regenerate and heal. Scar tissue and other adhesions also limit blood flow to the injured area and slow the healing process. Separating scar tissue that blocks these pathways is what brings faster healing and reduces recovery time for many injuries.
Graston is a non-invasive, non-surgical way of treating areas with chronic restriction and pain through a form of manual hand-applied therapy that uses a number of patented stainless-steel instruments to “scan” the affected injured or pain-soaked areas, locate the scar tissue, and then "loosen" it up using the tools. Once these scar tissue adhesions have been reduced and smoothed out, the pain quickly goes away and your body can finally function normally and smoothly - just as it’s meant to.
Is The Graston Technique® Right For Me?
If you are the type of person who says “I love getting massages but this ‘knot’ always comes back!” or there is an area your therapist always seems to focus on, then that area is perfect for Graston!
Ideally, you should have Graston done by a licensed chiropractor because once you release the muscle, that’s the perfect time to reposition the bone or skeletal system so that permanent solutions and long-term relief can be experienced.
If you go to a different type of practitioner you may still get good results initially, but you may have lost the opportunity to reposition the bone or joint to its proper position...and having Graston and a spinal alignment done at the same time is truly "the bees knees"!
Will I Benefit From Graston?
While athletes, musicians and active people are the most prone to sprains, strains and other muscle and ligament injuries, just as often, office workers and manual laborers suffer from similar aches and pains due to repetitive movements.
The Graston Technique® can also help resolve chronic conditions thought to be permanent, decrease overall treatment time, allow for a faster recovery and reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medications, especially when combined with gentle chiropractic care and therapeutic massage.
In fact, many injuries involving muscles, tendons, ligaments or pain can benefit from Graston Technique® therapy - whether it’s from a sports injury, car accident or even a slip or fall. It has been clinically proven to help athletes achieve faster and better outcomes in treating both chronic and acute injuries commonly found in active people, as well as the pains that come with sitting hunched over a desk 8 hours a day.

Graston Therapy Can Bring Relief From:
- IT Band Syndrome
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Trigger Finger
- Achilles Tendinitis
- Golf and Tennis Elbow
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Knee pain
- Strains or sprains
- Hamstring Tears
- Back pain
- Tendonitis
- Neck Sprains and Strains
- Low Back Strains and Sprains
- Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
- Knee and other joint injuries
- Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
- Ankle and Wrist Sprains
- Post-lumbar surgery pain
...And many other muscle, ligament and joint injuries!
Ultimately, this technique can help almost any joint, muscle or ligament injuries!
See If Chiropractic Graston Therapy is Right for You
Even if you have given up on finding a cure for your chronic pain, or you just want a competitive edge, call the Active Life Chiropractic Clinic for a free consultation and see if the Graston Technique® could be the effective treatment you’ve been hoping to discover.

We’ve seen amazing results with numerous visitors to the center and would love to also help you become pain-free and mobile again.
With two skilled and highly trained chiropractors under one roof, we have more than 60 years of combined experience we bring to the table for each and every patient that walks through our door.
We also have a knowledgeable massage therapist and rehab specialists on staff for treatments if your situation requires it.
We’re more than just your Austin chiropractor - we’re a complete integrated holistic clinic ready to help you get free from your pain and experience the best life possible!
Active Life accepts most insurance and will create a care plan personalized just for you. Don’t give up. Call Active Life today.