We Offer Therapeutic Massage in Austin, TX for some conditions.
Your team at Active Life Chiropractic Clinic may prescribe massage as a component of your overall treatment plan. You will receive a customized care plan that has a main objective to relieve pain and discomfort at the source of your pain.
Therapeutic Massage Can Help With the Following:
- Back, neck and joint pain
- Spine and disc damage
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sprains
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Bursitis
We consider ourselves different in the fact that the synergy of services we are able to provide ensures a holistic and whole health vision. Being a health clinic that incorporates massage therapy and chiropractic care, our natural treatment options will enhance your overall health and well-being.
Combining Therapeutic Massage with our comprehensive holistic chiropractic care as well as services for Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, and Overall Health Goals, can be like the icing on the cake.
If you have experienced a tissue injury, combining massage with chiropractic may be the answer you’ve been searching for. Tissue injuries may restrict the movement of your joints, making even simple movements such as getting out of bed difficult. Damaged tissues undergo physical and chemical changes that can cause inflammation, pain, and diminished function.
Active Life Massage Therapy
"It’s not just about self-indulgent me time.”
Did you know there are numerous proven health benefits that result from massage therapy?
We all know how relaxing and stress-reducing it can be, but did you know it also:
- lowers blood pressure
- enhances circulation
- lowers heart rate
- relaxes muscles
- improves posture
- increases endorphins (which helps lessen pain)
- enhances (and speeds up) rehabilitation after surgical procedures
- improves flexibility and range of motion from injury
- increases lymphatic flow to help the body flush away toxins and strengthen the immune system
- used to successfully treat arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, digestive distress...
Those are just some of the many powerful benefits of massage therapy.
What IS Massage Therapy Anyway?

Therapeutic Massage involves hands-on, therapeutic procedures designed to promote blood flow, relaxation, and healing to your injured, stressed, and tight areas. Healthy, strong, and happy connective tissue is imperative to the proper functioning of our bodies.
The ripple effect damaged tissue can have on our bodies is far-reaching. If the material holding all of our joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons together isn’t working properly, the pain will be felt systematically.
Our highly trained staff works with myofascial tissue, which connects, separates, and supports the bones and muscles, by stretching, rubbing, kneading, and applying pressure to loosen the connective tissue, restoring your health, happiness, and quality of life.
There are many “spas” and centers in Austin that offer massage therapy, so why should you choose Active Life’s licensed massage therapists?
Active Life is a healing center that provides a variety of natural treatment options including healing chiropractic care that can help enhance your overall health and well-being. We want to help you look and feel your best. Pressure on the nerves that run through the spinal cord and affect every one of your bodily functions may be causing you to experience health problems that could be relieved through gentle chiropractic techniques. In fact, it’s known that therapeutic massage works best when paired with postural exercises and spinal alignments!
We Offer Massage Therapy in Austin, TX for some conditions.
Your health team at Active Life may prescribe massage as a component of your overall treatment plan. You will receive a customized care plan that has a main objective to relieve pain and discomfort at the source of your pain.
Massage Therapy Can Help With the Following:
- Back, neck,shoulder, and joint pain
- Spine and disc damage
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Headaches and Migraines
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sprains
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Sports and Auto-Accident injuries
- Bursitis
- Stress-related soreness, stiffness, and digestive issues

We consider ourselves different in the fact that the synergy of services we are able to provide ensures a holistic and whole health vision. Being a health clinic that incorporates massage therapy and chiropractic care, our natural treatment options will enhance your overall health and well-being.
Combining Therapeutic Massage with our comprehensive holistic chiropractic for Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, and Overall Health Goals, can be like the icing on the cake.
When You Need Fast and Effective Relief, Give Us A Call!
Active Life offers a plethora of treatments including a variety of massage therapy techniques, deep muscle massage, chiropractic care, nutritional guidance, and rehabilitation.
If you experience back or neck pain, headaches, pre- or post-natal discomfort, foot problems, carpal tunnel, have suffered an injury or developed a chronic pain condition, turn to Active Life for relief.
We’re here to help. Don’t forget to ask about our money-saving massage club plans when you call or come by!