Food and Gluten Sensitivity

How often have you wondered why you’re always so tired?
Or why you get up in the morning just as fatigued as when you went to bed?
Do you ever ask yourself why you have so many headaches, joint pains, sinus infections, rashes, so much trouble losing weight, or other recurring health problems?
Or have you just written them off as part of the normal aging process and learned to live with the discomfort? Research is proving that it’s probably more than just aging.
They have found there could be a single treatable cause creating all those symptoms…toxic food syndrome (TFS).
What is Toxic Food Syndrome?
Food – an absolute essential of life (and one of its many joys); yet that very necessity could be poisoning you on a daily basis.
We know food is what fuels our bodies and is a critical factor in our overall health. We have to eat to stay alive; what we eat, however, can help us or hurt us. It is now evident that much of what we eat is actually toxic to our systems because of the body’s inability to digest it properly.
Unlike allergies that make themselves obvious, such as hives after eating strawberries or other immediate, visible reactions, there are foods your body responds to negatively in a less observable manner. It’s like a delayed reaction that worsens over time as you continue ingesting the foods your body cannot tolerate.
Everyone’s body is unique, born with its own sensitivities. It’s now estimated that 95% of all people are affected by toxic food syndrome.
It creates symptoms as varied as:
- Fatigue
- Migraines
- Asthma
- Joint pain
- Frequent unexplained illnesses
- Skin conditions such as acne, cold sores, and rashes

- Obesity
- Depression, irritability, and mood swings
- Brain fog, forgetfulness, and confusion
- Sinus congestion
- Digestive Disorders such as indigestion, irritable bowel, bloat, gas, and leaky gut syndrome
Those are just some of the symptoms of TFS - there are numerous others. Delayed food allergies are the most common undiagnosed cause of unsolved chronic allergy symptoms.
Are You One of the 95% of People Who Have Toxic Food Syndrome?
If you have any of the symptoms above or other unexplained health problems, chances are you are part of the majority with TFS, though most people remain undiagnosed. You may not even realize there is something wrong. You may actually have had TFS since childhood so the symptoms may have been a part of your life as long as you can remember. They may be worsening now, though, becoming harder to ignore. Isn’t it time to find out if some simple dietary changes could make those symptoms disappear and help you feel young and vigorous?
How Active Life Can Help You Overcome Toxic Food Syndrome

Active Life can help you find out for if you have toxic food syndrome and determine exactly which foods trigger your negative reactions. There is a blood test called the Immuno 1 Bloodprint allergy test used to detect specific food allergies and identify toxic food syndrome. Our qualified staff can conduct the test and provide you with the results.
After the test you’ll receive a clear and concise report that includes:
- Customized list of toxic foods to avoid
- Customized list of foods to enjoy
- Wallet-sized, laminated card listing your particular toxic foods
- A personal food and meal plan
- Helpful hints on what to buy when grocery shopping
We are so confident in this treatment that it comes with a money back guarantee. We also provide:
- Gluten analysis
- Accurate blood testing to diagnose Candida condition
Toxic food syndrome and candida often occur simultaneously. Together, they can severely affect your quality of life.
The most typical allergens include milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, or glutens. To bring your food allergies under control you must commit to making permanent lifestyle & diet changes. However, there are many great tasting gluten-free, dairy-free alternatives at Austin grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Central Market, Sprouts and Sun Harvest. Additionally, many Austin restaurants offer vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dishes to accommodate special dietary needs due to food allergies.