When it comes to your posture, looking good and feeling good go hand-in-hand...
When you’re in pain and your back is screaming for relief, your spine and your posture are suddenly the most urgent things on your mind. All you can think about is getting relief, and you’ll do almost anything for it.

But what about when your back isn’t really hurting, or just has an ache here and there? All thoughts of postural care and wellbeing go right out the door. If it’s not hurting us, it’s not on our minds... it’s just human nature.
Most of us know the health benefits of a strong, properly-aligned back and core - such as a balanced body that can protect itself from joint pain and injury, tall straight spine, as well as less fatigue, more energy, and better concentration. But it goes even deeper than that...
Did you know that having good posture and an aligned spine is not only a sign of charisma and confidence, but it can also create a positive first impression so powerful that it may actually increase your chances of success?
Whether it’s a job interview, promotion, closing a big a sale, gaining respect as a leader or authority in your field, or even just getting that first date with someone you’ve had your eye on - your posture helps to set the tone for your entire experience. Posture is a reflection of the state of health of your body and how you care for yourself and feel about yourself, yet so few of us put an emphasis on our posture, or even think about it until we’re in pain.
When you have good, strong posture and a straight spine, you have more energy, feel better about yourself, express confidence and security and you rarely experience the level and frequency of pain that those with terrible posture go through.
On the flipside, having bad posture can really make a negative first impression. Have you ever noticed how people with bad posture have less energy, trouble concentrating, are always tired and hurting, and often battle depression? They also often come across as shy, insecure, and unhealthy.
But poor posture goes even beyond that - it can further undermine your personal success by causing physical problems such as back pain, issues with your nervous system, and even undesirable changes in curvature of your spine. All these things directly affect your quality of life, your health and energy level, your relationships and your performance at work.
In fact, spinal-related disorders are the second most common reason, next to the common cold, for missing work. If you're getting sick all the time, hurting, aching or feel tired and have no energy, then you are not living your life to the fullest, getting the promotion you deserve, spending time with your family and children, and making positive memories that will last a lifetime.
You’re not doing these important things because your pain and your fatigue are getting in your way.

Go From Pain and Bad Posture to Healing Relief and a Healthy Spine
That’s why what we do for you at Active Life is so critical to your health and the overall quality of your life.
Whether you’re in blinding pain right now or you just realize how important your posture and alignment are to keeping you out of blinding pain, call us today and we can get you started in our unique Postural Rehab Program.
Why Active Life?
Because we know what’s going on inside your body and we know how to fix it - painlessly and quickly. When you have a problem with any joint of your body, it’s extremely rare that the problem is only in the muscles, or only in the joint. The two go hand-in-hand, just like good posture and a good image.
In fact, if you've ever played the game of tug-of-war where one group of people pull on one end of the rope, and another group pulls on the opposite end, then you know what we mean. This same concept applies to your joints. When the muscles on one side of a joint are pulling harder than the opposite side, then the joint gets pulled out of alignment and can be irritated or injured.
What this means for you is that when there is joint pain, the solution requires that we first realign the joint itself, but ALSO that we restore balance to the muscle tension on each side of your joint, so that it doesn't get pulled out of alignment again.
How Do We Do That?
We begin your treatment by determining where the imbalances are in your muscles groups through exams and x-rays. This is how we evaluate most postural distortions and learn why they exist. One of the ways we do this is by the doctor using her hands to feel along the joints of the spine and surrounding muscles to find areas of tension, and running tests to find muscular weakness. This process is quick and painless, and it’s a critical step which allows us to begin with the exercises that will benefit you the most, and also tells us which exercises you should avoid.
We take you every step of the way from pain to healing with our Postural Rehab Program and help you get your spine properly aligned, end your pain and give you the look and feel of a confident, healthy and active person!
It’s important to remember - You cannot change your posture just by “straightening up”! It takes alleviating fixations in your spine (by getting adjustments) while doing the exercises to make lasting changes.

In some cases you will also need to modify some of your activities throughout the day so that you don't undo the treatment after you leave your appointment. This can include the way you sit at your desk, in your car, the way that you stand, lift, and even the way that you sleep. But don’t worry! We will go over everything and demonstrate these activities with you to be sure that you get the maximum results from your Postural Rehab and chiropractic care in our office.
At Active Life, we go beyond the traditional adjustment - we combine that with powerful postural rehab and we also retrain you so you'll stand up straight and feel great again! Our ultimate goal is to help you have greater control over your body, which in turn, gives you a greater sense of control in your life.
When your pain goes away, your posture improves and your energy increases, your life starts getting better and better. You’ll find people beginning to listen to you and take you more seriously. Overall, you’ll feel more respected, more confident, happier and much healthier!