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    The team at Active Life Chiropractic Clinic (specializing in Chiropractic treatment in Austin, Texas) truly understands the impact chronic knee pain can have on our patients’ quality of life. Our knee pain specialists in our Austin, TX office are excited to offer a non-surgical treatment plan for knee pain and osteoarthritis.

    We Offer a Non-Surgical Treatment for Chronic Knee Pain and Osteoarthritis

    SUPARTZ or other hyaluronic injections are FDA-approved, safe, effective, and easy injection treatment for your chronic knee pain. It is one of the type of injections that may be recommended after evaluation. This gentle and non-invasive approach can offer pain relief immediately, and often, within a few hours of the injection. Either way, up to 6 months of pain-free living is now on your schedule, doesn’t that sound great?

    The amazing aspect of our knee injections, is that they allow the body to heal itself! Synovial fluid, which occurs naturally in our joints, helps with lubrication and shock absorption. When osteoarthritis occurs, our bodies quit producing synovial fluid, which leads to loss of lubrication and that “bone on bone” cracking, creaking, and extreme pain. The injections our medical team offers contain Hyaluronan, a nearly identical substance to the naturally occurring synovial fluid. Before you know it, your knee will again be experiencing lubricated movement, and you will be experiencing pain-free days!

    Knee pain doesn't have to rule your life. Contact the Active Life team to find out what your pain relief options are, today!

    Knee Injections That Provide Long-Lasting Relief for Your Chronic Knee Pain!

    We know that life is busy. SUPARTZ therapy can be administered in a quick and easy visit to our Medical Center for an Active Life office! We find that our patients are very active and busy people. Our medical team offers this amazing in and out procedure, to quickly and easily get you on the pathway to comfort. By regaining range of motion and strength in your knees, you will be able to continue doing the activities you love, without every going down the road of surgery or prescription pain medications. Our highly trained knee pain specialists have skill and passion in common, and have helped numerous people find chronic knee pain relief . There’s no fine print here, as research has shown few, if any, side effects, and the best part? SUPARTZ therapy is generally covered under Medicare, and other insurance plans.

    SUPARTZ therapy has proven to greatly reduce chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Here’s how our knee pain injections can help you:

    • Delivers pain relief from bone spurs or bone-on-bone rubbing because of lack of lubrication
    • Targets pain relief at the source instead of systematic treatments with over-the-counter and prescription pain medications
    • Increases blood flow to the joint, bringing nutrients, health, and vitality back into the damaged tissue
    • Provides extra cushion and lubrication
    • Increases stability AND range of motion

    IS your KNEE TOO FAR GONE and you are just waiting for it to be bad enough to get a knee replacement? Ask about our cutting-edge regenerative knee treatment that may not only take care of present day pain, but regenerate lost cartilage or Meniscus so you can go back to living life as an athlete. Don’t feel like an OLD man or woman. If you are a good candidate we may be able to return your knees to how you felt when you were a young whipper snapper!

    Chronic knee pain does not have to define you or the life you want to live. Our medical team CAN bring your joint back to full function. Why wait another day to experience the beneficial aspects of knee injection therapy?

    Knee pain doesn't have to rule your life. Contact the Active Life team to find out what your pain relief options are, today!