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    No matter how responsible you are at driving, road accidents in Austin can happen. In fact, it can happen even to the most careful driver in the world. It’s best if you know what to do in case you get involved in one.

    1. Seek medical attention. The silliest thing that people do after getting involved in a vehicular accident is to pretend like nothing happened. They simply head off to their appointment or to work and act like it’s just an ordinary day. We highly advise our patients to seek medical help after the incident even if there are no visible signs of injuries or wounds.
    2. Drink more fluids to hydrate the body. A minimum of 6 glasses of water per day for the next 2 weeks is recommended. A well-hydrated body has a faster capacity to repair damaged tissues and heal from potential inflammation. Avoid artificially sweetened and colored drinks like soda and bottled juices. Too much sugar will interfere with your healing.
    3. Call your chiropractor right away. Why him? Your chiropractor underwent extensive training to detect problems in your head, spine and overall body. As soon as you feel a minor discomfort or a persistent headache within 12 hours after the auto accident, visit a chiropractic clinic to get an accurate diagnosis. The chiropractor will also be able to start the treatment right away which is critical in preventing long-term consequences like migraine and misaligned spine.
    4. Enroll in a Therapeutic Exercise Rehab. Here at Active Life, we create a personalized rehabilitation plan for each patient. The treatment methods that we will be using for you are tailored to the pains and symptoms that you are experiencing. We make sure that the intensity of the physical exercises are just right for the strengths and limitations of your body especially if it just went through a traumatic accident. And one more thing, the exercise sessions will only start once your body is ready for the recovery procedure.
    5. Enroll in a Yoga and Movement Therapy Class. Patients of auto accidents in Austin are advised to go through a mild type of yoga lessons. Yoga is an effective means to heal from the emotional trauma and mental shock that resulted from auto accidents. Learn how to properly breathe and allow the injuries to naturally heal without taking prescribed drugs. Yoga’s gentle stretching moves will prepare your body to go back to its everyday activities.
    6. Buy a new pair of shoes. Any excuse will do, right? But seriously, you really need a new pair of shoes with good support. After an auto accident in Austin, you don’t know if there’s a fractured disc in your spine or a pinched nerve in your shoulders. It’s wise to give your body all the support that it needs to prevent further injuries.

    For more information about recovering from an auto accident in Austin, call Active Life today at 512-474-5433. We are more than happy to assist you with your health needs.

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