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    Since ancient times, massage therapy has been used not only to heal certain illnesses but as well as to promote fitness and general health. Athletes, in particular, benefit immensely from therapeutic massage. In this article, we discuss the multiple ways an athlete or anyone who participates in sports can take advantage of massage therapy.

    Relaxation Effects

    Excessive training forces the body to produce more cortisol, a hormone known to cause stress, headaches and sleeplessness. The simplest way to decrease the cortisol level in the body is to undergo massage therapy. It relaxes the mind, enhances the mood and encourages the body to heal itself. The advantageous effects are lasting and help the patient to recover faster from many types of illnesses.

    General Pain Alleviation

    Vigorous training is the most common reason why athletes suffer from chronic pain. Too much hours spent on practice might push the athlete to exceed his limits. Fortunately, regular therapeutic massage alleviates muscle pain, spasm and soreness. More importantly, it is useful in preventing sports injuries like sprain, shin splint or tennis elbow.

    Sleep Pattern Improvement

    Some athletes may find it difficult to establish a healthy sleeping habit. Commitments, pressure and stress are just a few factors that can have a negative impact on the quality of sleep. Insufficient sleep often leads to poor athletic performance and also a hindrance in giving their optimal strength. Massage therapy is a natural way to develop a healthy sleeping habit. Because of its relaxation benefits, reliance on pills or drugs to get a good night sleep is totally eliminated.

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    Blood Circulation Improvement

    Most sports activities force athletes to stand for long hours or perform the same exercise routine again and again. This, among other factors, can lead to poor blood circulation in the body. It makes breathing difficult and the person may also feel numbness in the legs and arms. In severe cases, poor blood circulation can lead to hair loss, varicose veins and weak immune system. Massage therapy is a holistic approach in treating poor blood circulation. It releases the toxins out of the body and pushes the metabolic waste out of the internal organs. As a result, the patient has lower blood pressure and feels more energetic.

    Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

    Professional athletes, coaches and even non-athletes can take advantage of remedial massage therapy to prevent injuries from playing sports. It improves the patient’s muscular flexibility and enables him to efficiently perform in every tournament. Because of massage’s relaxation advantages, the body is able to quickly recover from exhaustion and over-training. More importantly, therapeutic massage can help prevent future occurrence of injuries by keeping the athlete well-conditioned for training and doing exercises.

    Active Life offers the most advanced and holistic approach to massage therapy. The doctors ensure that each patient gets a personalized massage treatment plan. Patients are also advised to undergo combination therapies like chiropractic care or Graston therapy for best results. Interested to know more? Call 512-474-5433 (LIFE) and allow us to alleviate your pain!

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