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    Soldiers and military men who have fought for our freedom suffer great pain due to physical injuries as well as emotional and mental trauma. In most cases, a soldier may find it difficult to start a normal life after being deployed to a far away land. The demanding responsibilities and the strenuous nature of job can develop into chronic pain. Unfortunately, it has a negative impact on their health and well-being of their families.

    Common Pains of Military Soldiers

    Musculoskeletal Pains

    Not only veteran soldiers go through unbearable pain. Even young military men experience chronic pain in the muscles, legs, arms and back. The reason behind this is the body’s wear and tear caused by excessive training and doing strenuous activities such as jumping out of the plane, jogging for hours, intensive military exercises, and a lot more.

    PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

    Mental health is a big concern for soldiers who have fought in battles. War can cause intense mental trauma that make it hard for returning troops to live normally again. Symptoms of PTSD include apathy, sleeplessness, detachment from family and friends, over vigilance, and exaggerated response to small incidents.

    Lost Appetite

    Another common health problem of returning troops is the lack of appetite. In some cases, over appetite can be the issue. Eating problems are often just a symptom of stress and anxiety. Soldiers often feel anxious after deployment because of the extreme emotions that they have to suppress during combat.

    General Severe Pain

    Soldiers go through a myriad of pains during and after deployment. This may include, but not limited to, lower back pain, migraines, shoulder and spinal pain, etc. In cases where pain is left untreated, the condition gets worse and develops into irreversible and permanent illnesses. This is why it’s important for military families to receive proper care and be presented with alternative options

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    Alternative Treatment Options for Military Families

    Chiropractic Care

    It is a proven treatment alternative for almost all types of chronic pain. Most of the time, chiro therapy can eliminate the need for surgery and reliance from prescription drugs. It is an effective and holistic approach to heal back pain, shoulder and neck pain, misaligned spine and muscular problems. Chiropractors are trained to gently apply pressure on the right regions of the body which encourages quick recovery.

    Nutritional Counseling

    Nutrition therapy is not only appropriate for patients suffering from food allergies. It is also useful for patients with eating disorders such as lost appetite or over-appetite. The professional nutritionist can help create a diet plan consisting of foods needed to regain mental and physical health. It also makes it easier for military families to know what type of foods to buy and what to avoid. Most importantly, nutritional counseling is necessary in order to build a permanent healthy diet and lifestyle.

    Massage Therapy

    Therapeutic massage is beneficial not only in our physical health but in obtaining a relaxed state of mind. The soldier’s pain that is most difficult to heal is the emotional and mental trauma. Massage therapy can help a lot in releasing stress and anxiety. Regular massages can help a soldier cope with the stressful nature of his job.

    Here at Active Life, we believe that military families deserve the best treatment options in the world considering their immeasurable contributions to our country. We also make sure that they are taken care of from the start until the end of the treatment procedure. Contact us today to learn more.

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