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    Are you the type of person who chooses to eat vegetable salad instead of cheeseburger but still can’t stop your body from gaining weight? Some people find it easy to burn fats while others may need extra efforts to achieve their ideal weight. It’s really different for everybody.

    Before you think it’s impossible to transform yourself from fat to fit, uncovering the root causes of why you’re gaining weight (in spite of all the dieting and exercises that you’ve been doing) can do wonders.

    So, why are you gaining weight? Here are some factors to closely look at:

    • High-sugar diet – You may be eating small portions but you also have to consider the ingredients of the food. Artificial sweeteners (white sugar, corn syrup) can make your hips wider and waistline even bigger. Be careful when buying ready-made food from grocery stores. Labels usually say the product is natural when in fact it is actually processed.
    • Insufficient sleep – Sleepless nights do not only make you look older, it also boosts your appetite and makes you eat more than you normally do. Leptin is a type of hormone that signals that body that it is already full. Lack of sleep brings down the leptin levels and as a result you always feel hungry.
    • Low-protein diet – Studies show that people that always eat low-protein meals have a higher tendency to be obese. Ghrelin is a type of hormone that tells the body that it needs to eat. High protein meals can help in lowering the ghrelin levels and as a result, the need to eat is also lessened.
    • Type of influencers – It’s all about the right mindset and motivation to get into shape. If you’re always hanging out with people living an unhealthy lifestyle, you also tend to pick up their habits and follow their lead. Choose wisely who can influence your habits and way of living.
    • Unrealistic goals – Many people trying to lose weight would set drastic goals that are impossible to achieve in the first place. Not only this is dangerous and unhealthy, but it also a surefire way to dismay yourself. Set small goals at a time. Train your body to get used to doing exercises and eating healthy.
    • Low-fiber diet – Eating foods that are low in fiber makes the body think that it needs to eat more. On the other hand, fiber does not need to be digested but the body thinks that it should and it spends hours digesting it. As a result, your body feels full for a longer time so you don’t have to keep on eating.

    If losing weight is a great challenge for you and you’re tired of taking diet pills that never work, come and visit Dr. Schade in Active Life. Natural and effective weight loss counseling is one of the services provided at our clinic. We make sure that the patient’s health is prioritized at all times and treatment plan is designed specifically for the patient’s needs. Call our front desk today! Dial 512-474-5433 for more details.

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